
Thinking of becoming an entrepreneur in real life? Our advice is plan carefully. You need a business model, even if it’s only a spreadsheet. Business plans never pan out exactly, especially for start ups, but not having one is even worse.

Sales Funnels

It doesn’t matter how awesome your product is, or will be, you need an effective sales funnel to be successful. There are numerous options for doing this, including but not limited to the following:

  • Online advertising
  • SEO (Search engine optimisation)
  • Social Media
  • Partnerships
  • Marketplaces (think Amazon, or specialised versions like Elegant Marketplace)

Useful links for starting a company

Web Ventures

Web Ventures are a venture capitalist specialising in the WordPress space. They are interested in partnering, investing or buying companies who serve the WordPress community.

Elegant Marketplace

Elegant Marketplace has over 100,000 consumers. If you are looking to create a WordPress plugin or theme, this is a great opportunity for making sales. The vendor sign up page is here.


Freemius provide a payment solution for WordPress plugins and themes. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Secure Checkout
  • Software Licensing
  • Recurring Payments
  • Automatic Updates
  • EU VAT


If you are thinking about using WordPress as part of your business, then WordCamps are an excellent way to meet the community. WordCamps are a little different at the moment, due to COVID, but there are still taking place virtually.

WordFest Live

WordFest is an independent event for the WordPress community. It’s the first attempt we’re aware of to hold a global event. It will take place over 24 hours, in 4 timezones.